The PTEx Organisation
Pathology Tests Explained Ltd (PTEx) is a not-for-profit organisation managed by a Board composed of representatives from:
• Australasian Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine.
• Human Genetics Society of Australasia
• Public Pathology Australia
• Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia
Our aim is to provide you with information about pathology testing that you can rely on as being accurate and authoritative. Importantly, we go to great effort to maintain our independence. Our funding comes from a range of professional organisations and government sources, and we do not accept or post any advertising. In this way we are able to provide evidence-based information that is free from commercial interest.
Management Group
The day-to-day activities of running the PTEx website is carried out by the following:
• Dr John Beilby – Editor-in-Chief
• Dr Kay Weng Choy – Social media
• Pamela Robson – Medical writer
• Julie Sherfan – Website manager
• Dr Andrew St John - Manager
• Michael Millward - Assistant website manager
Editorial Board
The editorial group is responsible for editorial content on this site. All pages are reviewed by a discipline specialist and members of the team, each of whom works with other professional colleagues and various information sources to verify that the information is accurate and current. New pages are prepared by invitation from expert authors and subject to verification and editorial scrutiny by a member of the team.
Thank you to the following editors for their contribution to Pathology Tests Explained:
Dr John Beilby (Editor in Chief) PhD, FAACB, FFSc(RCPA) - Principal Scientist – Clinical Biochemistry (Retired)
Dr Tim Badrick BSc, MBBS, MPHTM, FRACP, FRCPA - Infectious Diseases Physician and Clinical Microbiologist
Dr Kevin Carpenter PhD, FFSc(RCPA), FHGSA - Principal Scientist - Genetics
Dr Kay Weng Choy FRCPA, FAACB - Chemical Pathologist
Rachal Davis BBiomedSci, GradDipPath - Medical Scientist – Haematology
A/Prof Caitlin Keighley FRCPA FRACP - Medical Director and Microbiologist
Dr Daman Langguth BHB, MBChB, FRCPA, FRACP, AAICD - Clinical and Laboratory Immunologist
Dr Andrew St John PhD, MAACB, FFSc(RCPA) - Clinical Biochemist – Industry Consultant
Xiumei Wei B.Med, FFSc(RCPA) - Senior Hospital Scientist - Immunology
Chemical Pathology Reviewers
The Chemical Pathology Reviewers are discipline specialists responsible for reviewing the Chemical Pathology content on this site. They work with other professional colleagues and various information sources to verify the information provided is accurate and current.
Thank you to the following reviewers for their contribution to Pathology Tests Explained:
Dr Ian Phillips, FFSC(RCPA), FRCPath(UK), Chemical Pathologist- Clinical Biochemistry
Nicole Jenkins, BAppSc(Hons), MAppSc - Senior Scientist – Clinical Biochemistry
Dr Chris McEntyre, PhD - Scientific Officer, Specialist Chemistry- Clinical Biochemistry
Roger Barton, BAppSc, GDip, MAACB, Quality Manager- Clinical Biochemistry
Dr Reza Nemati, PhD, Medical Laboratory Scientist- Clinical Biochemistry
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Pathology Tests Explained
PO Box 7336
5/85 Bourke St, Alexandria NSW 2015
Pathology Tests Explained (PTEx) is a not-for profit group managed by a consortium of Australasian medical and scientific organisations.
With up-to-date, evidence-based information about pathology tests it is a leading trusted source for consumers.
Information is prepared and reviewed by practising pathologists and scientists and is entirely free of any commercial influence.